Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Day After and Surgery Recap

24 hours ago, I was having a IV started and had gowned up for surgery.  Because a couple complicated surgeries preceded mine, I didn't actually meet with the Surgeons or Anesthesiologist until about 1.  From there, things got rolling quickly.  I was rolled into the OR (which was a beautiful facility, but of course sterile and cold).  The last thing I remember was the Anesthesiologist saying "Now, for the real anti-biotics."

While the surgery was successful, the post-op piece quickly became a problem.  They informed my mom and Matt at about 1 30 that they could see me in 20 minutes.  They then had to wait 2 hours to see me.  I was struggling to wake up and in immense pain.  Dr. Slauterbeck found a considerable amount of scar tissue in my left leg, which led to more pain than expected.  My pain level hovered at an 8 for a long time as they layered pain med upon pain med to try to get me comfortable.  The large number of painkillers combined with a bad reaction to anesthesia made me ill, and I didn't get to leave the hospital until after 7 pm.  Once I got home and settled, things improved quickly.  I was able to eat and rehydrate. I even slept comfortably through the night, save for one pain med wakeup at about 3.

This morning, I feel remarkably well.  My pain is at a very comfortable 2 to 3 and seems to be holding there with some good pain management.  The Kryocuff I have on, providing pressure and cold, is also helping with comfort. Still, I cannot imagine having two legs done.  Although there is a possibility I would have to do this again for the right, I am really hopeful that better attention to flexibility will keep my right leg healthy (and get my left leg back to health).

Time will tell how the whole recovery goes, but for me, the trajectory today has been mercifully downward.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah I am glad your pain is manageable! I've been thinking about you and hoping your surgery went well.

    As for me I had my appt. with the sports med doc today and he said he thinks I have compartment syndrome in both legs. Pressure testing is scheduled for April 22nd. I might be one of those people who gets surgery in both legs. Good times.

    I'd love to hear more about the pressure testing if you wanted to write it up. Like how hard is it to run after you've been jabbed with a needle (for me it will be 6 times, 3 compartments in each leg).

    Rest up! Take in some trashy movies.

