Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just Gotta Get Through This

Sometimes people mention things in passing that come back to you later in unexpected ways. Jess mentioned this song as part of a story about surviving a rough time and recently, I find myself playing it on repeat. Organic Chemistry over the summer is a lot like a marathon. You know (or are pretty confident) that it won't kill you, but that doesn't mean it won't be a gruesome, gutting experience.

In my first marathon, miles 22 and 23 weren't pretty. In my second, miles 10 through 26 were a wreck. This course is somewhere in the middle. The first semester was busy, but I came out of it relatively unscathed. I think the words "Organic Chemistry SO isn't that bad" even escaped my lips. I said a similar thing after my first marathon. Much like Mile 10 of my second marathon, I'm thinking I spoke too soon.

This week is a lot like that point in a race where you ask yourself why the f*&$ you race. Why can't you just be casual? Why can't you just head out and jog like everyone else? The answer lies, of course, in the feelings that the casual runner misses. They miss the moment when you know you're going to finish.They miss out on the moment when you know you are going to PR, the moment when you know you're going to get through it.

I have lots of race reports to write up (including a shiny new 5K PR), but they'll have to wait til August.

Run On.


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