Sunday, January 23, 2011

This Week's Workload: 12 Weeks to Go

We're 12 weeks from Boston tomorrow, which means I have 10 weeks of work and 2 weeks of taper left before I toe the line in Hopkinton. It's time to start thinking about goals and honing in on some quality workouts to help me achieve them.  I have had a few good weeks of training recently, including a workout of 800s last Thursday that felt positively easy. I'm smart enough to know that everything can go right in training and crash on race day, but I'm hopeful that the next 10 weeks will result in my strongest marathon to date.

I have three quality workouts planned for this week, and a total of about 60 miles of running. I would like to do more, but I am focusing on tuning up speed over endurance this cycle and tired legs can't run fast.

*Long Run: Sub-zero temps combined with Raynaud's meant I had no choice but to head indoors so I did a 16 miler this morning. On the treadmill. It was as bad as you might imagine.
*Tempo: I normally do a tempo run on Saturday before my long run to simulate race day, but I had to get my car repaired, so instead, I'll do it tomorrow on tired legs.  8 miles, with 6 at 6:40 pace, approximately my 10K pace.
*Intervals: My least favorite, ever. I am always the one who falls for more reps of shorter intervals over longer intervals and this week is no exception. I cannot tell you the number of times I have begged for quarter repeats instead of 1200s and gone on to regret it. This week, I'm doing 20 by 200 and hoping for very consistent 40 second repeats and will be focusing on form, particularly arm swing and knee drive.

Have a great week of running all. Stay warm. Spring will come again.


1 comment:

  1. 12 weeks. and my training starts tmrw. eeep! stay warm yourself! it's been getting wicked cold here at night.
