Friday, October 7, 2011

Runner Under Pressure

I moved my blog to Wordpress. Come check me out at or


I Signed Up for What?

While it may seem that everyone from Oprah to Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers has done a marathon, it's still a formidable check on bucket list. It takes a huge amount of courage to sign up for the marathon, but after you shell out the money and take the plunge, there's a moment of "oh shit, what did I just commit to?!"

Well never fear: If you are running a spring marathon, be it Vermont City Marathon or another spring classic, start tuning into the Run Down, where I'll be guest blogging through the fall, winter and spring about all sorts of issues related to the marathon from picking a training plan and a running shoe, to surviving the winter doldrums. I'll still be blogging here as well, including lots of entries on my own path from here to VCM 2012.

As John "the Penguin" Bingham says, "The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." Signing up is the start of an incredible experience. Like most things worth doing, the marathon has its ups and downs, but I don't know many people who have completed one who wished they hadn't. So be courageous. Sign up to run a spring marathon, then tune in here and on the RunDown for everything you'll need from start to finish.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Life is Complete

I was totally that badass kid who wore Tuesday underwear on Friday. As an adult, I'm still breaking rules and have to relearn at least once every couple of months that my turquoise thong is the WORST running underwear ever. When I heard about these on Runner's World, I knew my troubles were over. Who's getting me these for Christmas?!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cheap Thrill

Find yourself in better shape than you thought? Want a reason to go to Vegas and don't feel like shelling out the $160 for Rock and Roll in December? Here's quite the deal for you:

Interesting concept where sponsors picked up the registration costs. If you end up running this race, let me know how it goes. It will either be seamless or a complete catastrophe. Hope a porto-potty company gave some in-kind donations. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Decision 2011

While I'm no King James, I've been wrestling with what my next target race should be. I have a little less than 2 years before medical school, during which time I would really like to get my Trials standard. I'm operating under the assumption that for at least the first two years of medical school, the only running I'll be doing is between the library and my bed. 

I want a course that is tough enough to benefit my tough-it-out style. I want a course with great crowd support. I want a race morning that is easy and predictable. I want to know every uphill, downhill and flat between mile 1 and 26. In short, I want to control every variable except for the weather. I loved City of Oaks with its quad busting hills, but hated running alone for 8 miles. I hated pretty much everything about Vegas. Boston was a brutal course with unbelievable support. So what's a girl to do when she wants to make big strides (well, little ones if you've ever seen me run) towards a Trials standard?

Man, this is very tough. My heart will always be around Vermont. This Spring, I'll be taking my talents to the Vermont City Marathon on May 27th, 2012.

Want to join me on an epic weekend in Burlington? Registration opens tomorrow.