Friday, December 31, 2010

Auld Lang Syne

Somehow, today is the last day of 2010.  Today is a day when everyone finds themselves a tad more introspective, filled with both regret and the anticipation of a fresh start.  Tomorrow morning, we make promises that perhaps we can't keep, but that for at least a few weeks, we believe we can achieve.

2010 was not my banner year.  I started off strongly, then found myself seriously derailed by compartment syndrome.  From the "easy" surgery to the extremely long recovery, 2010 was a wash of a running year, at least on paper.  However, I wouldn't completely erase the experience.  I learned a lot about patience, about why other people run and that time really does heal all wounds. I ran my first ultra-distance, joined a dear friend completing her first half marathon and raced my first half marathon back with good results. 

I have big goals for 2011.  I want a PR in Boston. I want to become confident in my running. To do this, I first need to get over the fact that it's cold, dark and slippery and get my butt out the door. I want to build back up to my regular mileage around 60 miles per week. I also need to continue to work on core strength and strength training. To improve my confidence, I am going to take advantage of almost every race I can find. Even if I use the race as a tempo run, every time I toe a start line, I learn how to manage my nerves and focus on a particular pace.

What are your goals for 2011?  How will you get there?  Are you being realistic or a bit on the overenthusiastic side?

Happy New Year

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